Defining Moments
Today, we are beginning a new series called Defining Moments. This six part lenten series focuses on the less "glamorous" aspects of discipleship.
Start Here
This series will help you and I make the most of each new day. Each of the messages in this series will be taken from a story or a teaching from one of the gospels, so as we work our way through this series we'll be taking a closer look at who Jesus is, what he wants us to do, and what it means to follow him.
Christmas Promises
During Advent we will look at some of the promised found in the Christmas story that hold true for us today.
Make Your Mark
Today we're beginning a new series called Make Your Mark, where we’ll focus on 8 purposes or 8 intentions that we need to adopt in order to reach our full potential as followers of Christ.
It Only Takes A Spark
This series is called “It Only Takes a Spark.” For the next 5 weeks we'll talk about five ways we can create the kind of spark that will warm the hearts, so to speak, of those around us.
Vintage Church
Today I’m beginning a new series called Vintage Church; for the next four weeks we will examine ways that our church can become like the early church… the way God intended church to be from the very beginning.
Soul Survivor
Life can certainly be difficult at times! Uncertainty can invade our lives in so many ways and on so many levels as the events of our lives unfold. This series is all about how our soul survives in difficult times.
Fixed Focus
We're beginning a new series today. It's called Fixed Focus. This series is designed to help us discover the power of intentional living, focused living.
Today we're beginning a new series called FRUITABLE. That's FRUIT-ABLE. We'll be discussing the fruit of the Spirit. I would suggest at the start of this series that the fruit that is evident in our lives is true sign of spiritual maturity.
Songs of Christmas
Each week of advent we will look at a Christmas Carol and Scripture to help us as we journey towards Christmas and the celebration of the coming of Jesus.
Three Little Words
Today I am going to begin a new, but very short series called Three Little Words. Over three weeks we will look at Faith, Hope and Love.
Seeking God
Today we're beginning a new series called Seeking God. My challenge as we begin this series is for you to make it your goal to just be with him, see him, experience him, know him, and seek him.
The Book Of Beginnings
This series explores the Genesis narrative, from creation, to the fall, to the flood, to the wanderings of Abraham, and the adventures of Joseph. Join us for this journey into the past that is designed to help God's people chart their journey into the future.
Standing On The Promises
For this series, we will choose seven of the most foundational promises... and take a close look at them. These are seven promises that believers can not only claim, they are promises you can build your life on.
Discover A Brand New You
When it comes to New Years, many of us make resolutions. We desire to turn over a new leaf, or turn the page on some bad habits. We want a makeover, we want to become a brand new person. There is nothing wrong with these desires… actually they reflect exactly what God desires for us also. Today we are going to begin a new series called “Discover a Brand New You.”
Behold: How Christmas Can Light Up Your Life.
This Advent season, our series is called "Behold: How Christmas Can Light Up Your Life." We'll be looking at ways we can approach the Christmas season with a new sense of wonder and appreciation and fascination and determination.
Finding Freedom
There are times in our lives when we feel stuck and unable to move forward in our lives. I would suggest that your situation is not permanent. God has a plan for your redemption. This five part series focuses on the Biblical steps involved in experiencing freedom from the past, from fear and emotional bondage, from the need for approval and the temptation to quit.
How Can I Be Good
Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I be good?” Today we are beginning a 3 week series to answer that question. Paul in the book of Romans will be our guide.
Getting Centred
In this series we will look at the centre chapter of the Bible, Psalm 118 to discover what it means to be in the centre of God's presence.
Jesus desires that we live life to the fullest, that we seek to live our lives in the victory that is our inheritance as his disciples. So for the next 6 weeks we are going to take a quick trip through the book of Galatians, and look at what Paul had to say to the Galatians that will help us and encourage us to live life more victoriously.
Jesus Up Close And Personal
Over the next six weeks we will be taking a fresh look at who Jesus is according to the Scriptures. This series will take us to Easter
In Courage
Over the next eight weeks we will look at 1 Peter. Peter wrote this book for people who were facing some very harsh persecution, which many of us have never had to face in our western culture, because we live in relative peace and comfort.
The Business of Living
This series is all about stewardship. When we talk about stewardship, many people say, the church is asking for more money. Stewardship is about much more than giving money to the work of ministry. Stewardship is all about managing. That's what a
The Book Of Beginnings
This series explores the Genesis narrative, from creation, to the fall, to the flood, to the wanderings of Abraham, and the adventures of Joseph. Join us for this journey into the past that is designed to help God's people chart their journey into the future.