
Showing 1 to 12 of 159 posts.
Streams Of Living Water Tearfund Sunday 2024
Streams Of Living Water Tearfund Sunday 2024

This morning is Tearfund Sunday and theme for today is Streams of Living Water. Join us as we understand how climate change is affecting the poor, and how through Tearfund Canada we can help.


Today we are going learn about Proactive Appreciation. We’ll do this by looking at some of the most common roadblocks to living a life of appreciation, followed by practical ways to live a appreciative life.

A Story To Tell 5 of 8
A Story To Tell 5 of 8

Today we'll talk about sharing your faith with the people around you.

Only One Name 4 of 8
Only One Name 4 of 8

We've been looking at stories in the book of Acts, where we can learn from the example of the early church. Today I want to talk to you about what ourmessage to the world needs to be, both as a church and as individuals.

Master Living 3 of 8
Master Living 3 of 8

Today we’ll look at how to become master followers of Jesus. Acts 3:19-20 reveals the basic steps that we need to master in order to become an effective follower of Jesus Christ.

Common Ground 2 of 8
Common Ground 2 of 8

We're in the second week of our series called Make Your Mark. Today we'll look at a second value essential to making your mark: the value of finding common ground. Or, to say it another way, today we'll talk about the power of unity.

Random Acts Of Goodness 1 of 8
Random Acts Of Goodness 1 of 8

Today we'll look at something the Apostle Peter said about Jesus, something that should influence each one of us greatly. In Acts 10:38 when Peter is speaking with Cornelius about Jesus he said “He went around doing good... because God was with him.”


Do this in remembrance of me. Today I we'll pause and reflect on what it means to celebrate The Lord’s Supper / Communion / Eucharist. Jesus himself instituted this practice, this means of Grace. Join us as we learn more about it.

The Spark Of Growth 5 of 5
The Spark Of Growth 5 of 5

This week we are wrapping up our series It Only Takes a Spark. Today I will talk about how we can set an example for those who are most in need of an example to follow, in order to ignite the spark of growth in others or you could call it the spark of pro

The Spark Of Generosity 4 of 5
The Spark Of Generosity 4 of 5

This is week 4 in our series in which we have been talking how your actions can inspire others in a good and godly direction. Today we’ll talk about living generously in all areas of our lives. How we can live an others first lifestyle!

The Spark Of Kindness 3 of 5
The Spark Of Kindness 3 of 5

Today I will challenge us all to take a fresh look at what has been called The Golden Rule. We'll look at three ways we can approach this command with a renewed vitality in faithfully following the ultimate teaching of Christ.

The Spark Of Understanding 2 of 5
The Spark Of Understanding 2 of 5

Today in our series we'll talk about another spark-igniting reciprocal action that we need to get in the habit of spreading around to others. It is the Spark of Understanding.





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