Today we're beginning a new series called “It Only Takes a Spark.” we'll talk about five ways we can create the kind of spark that will warm the hearts, of those around us. Today, we'll talk about one of the most important which is Forgiveness
This morning we will take a look at The mission of the church, to make it a better place to live, and to help people experience the abundant life that can be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Today we’ll talk about the methods of the early church. If we’re going to be like them, we need to establish three 3 key priorities, and we need to stick to them like glue.
Every church proclaims a message to its community, and that message is louder than any sermon the pastor will ever preach. Today I want us to think about our collective sermon to the city of Kingston or the town of Eyebrow or to the people in the area wh
Today I’m beginning a new series called Vintage Church; I want us to begin by asking ourselves a question. “What kind of church is God looking for?” Is there something more expected from us as the church of Jesus Christ?
This series has been about Getting Through Life With Your Faith Intact. Life can throw us some extreme curve balls, and as followers of Christ we are not exempt. When those storms come crashing in God’s word is not silent on how we can find refuge.
Today we’re looking at a crucial element in being a soul survivor which is: discovering the heart of worship. Worship is far more than the music we sing during a worship service… worship is a lifestyle. Let’s look at getting back to the heart of wor
Today is Pentecost Sunday, the day we reflect on the coming of the Holy Spirit. When we think of our Soul Surviving in the chaotic world we live in, it is very important to examine the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Join us as we explore the work
Today we’re going to kick off this series by talking about one of the foundational benefits of a relationship with God which is Assurance. Assurance is having certainty in the midst of uncertainty.
Today we're wrapping up a series called Fixed Focus. It has been all about making the most of every single day. It's about the power of intentional living. Every day is important.
Today we'll talk about what should be the defining characteristic of Christianity, and the defining characteristic of Christians everywhere… which is LOVE.
We're in week two of a four-part series called Fixed Focus. This series is about experiencing the power of intentional living.