
Showing 73 to 84 of 105 posts.
Back To The Future 12 of 14
Back To The Future 12 of 14

Today we'll spend some time looking at Jacob’s 20 year detour. Sometimes, before you can take a journey into the future, you must finish the journey through your past. If you've ever felt like your life has taken a detour, today we’ll look at three le

Life In The Messy Middle Message 11 of 14
Life In The Messy Middle Message 11 of 14

The people we meet in Genesis are regular people. Just like you and I. Especially Jacob. He struggles through life, and everything doesn’t always go his way, and he doesn’t always respond in a perfect manner. This should give us some hope. The road t

The Beginning Of A New Beginning  Genesis 28:10-22
The Beginning Of A New Beginning Genesis 28:10-22

Today’s story is about Jacob’s journey back to his homeland, in which a life-altering event takes place — the very kind of transformational event that I hope will take place in the lives of everyone here today, and everyone who listens to this messa

Choose To Be Chosen
Choose To Be Chosen

Today is all about making choices. We’ll learn what we can from Jacob and Esau and Rebekah and Isaac. Let’s look at their story and consider three guidelines — three fundamental principles — that lead us away from making bad choices, and move us i

A Place In God’s Purpose
A Place In God’s Purpose

As today's story begins, Sarah has passed away, and Abraham knows that he is also in the twilight of his years. So it was time for him to fully prepare Isaac to carry on what God had begun in Abraham. The first task was to find a wife for him.

The Only Meaningful Measure Genesis 22:1-14
The Only Meaningful Measure Genesis 22:1-14

Today we encounter a story that, to many, it just doesn’t make any sense. God asks Abraham to do the unthinkable, and Abraham seems to be OK with it.We’ll work through some of the questions, and we’ll also see what this story has to teach us today

The God Who Sees
The God Who Sees

If you feel at times that you have fallen out of favour with the rest of the world and you have been banished to life’s desert, these principles will help you get through a difficult season, and it will draw you into a closer relationship with God.


Rev Deborah Hogeboom shares from Habbakuk 3:17-19 entitled Eventhough.

Dealing With Doubts
Dealing With Doubts

Our world is confused and full of doubt, and when it comes to Christianity both believers and non-believers struggle with doubt… especially concerning “What is Truth.” Join us as we discover how to deal with our doubts.

Promise Renewed
Promise Renewed

Today we’re looking at Genesis 18 where God shares again his promise to Abraham and Sarah, the promise that was given them regarding the birth of their son. Join us as we discover how to get in step with the promises of God.

Life In The Spirit
Life In The Spirit

Today is Pentecost Sunday. Each year this day is set aside as a day to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to dwell in all believers. He is the third person of the trinity and his work in the world is profound. Today we’ll take a quick will look

Counting Stars
Counting Stars

Today, in our series we’ll look at three essential qualities that were evident in Abraham’s character. If we will pattern our lives in the same way, we’ll experience an abundance of God’s blessing as well.





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