
Showing 97 to 105 of 105 posts.
The Situation Is Certainly Better Than It Seems
The Situation Is Certainly Better Than It Seems

We're in the 4th week of our series Standing On Promises of God. The promise we'll be looking at today is: For God's people, everything works out for the best, every time.

The Purpose Filled Promise
The Purpose Filled Promise

Today we'll look at a promise that may not be the most obvious promise on the list… but I consider it to be one of the most precious, because it has to do with the meaning of life, and the reason we're here. Here's the promise: You have a purpose.

He Is With You
He Is With You

Most of us would affirm the idea that God is "everywhere." We don't question that. But we do sometimes question the idea that God is with us, next to us, in our presence, right here, right now, wherever we may be. Today we’ll look at his promise that he

A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept
A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept

Today we're beginning a new series called Standing on the Promises. To begin we’ll look at three ways you can respond to the promises of God. These three things will help you to experience the full benefit of all the good things that God wants to give t

What God Doesn't See In You
What God Doesn't See In You

Today is our final message in our New Years series, Discover A Brand New You. When God looks at you there are some things that He DOSEN”T see in You. Join us as we discover what those things are and how they impact our lives as followers of Jesus.

What To Do When Your Life Is A Mess
What To Do When Your Life Is A Mess

Everyone that I know well enough to know the details of their life... have at some point found themselves in a mess. Today we are going find some encouraging promises that will help you when you find yourself in a mess.

What's So Amazing About Grace
What's So Amazing About Grace

We’re in the second week of a series about grace, and my hope is that by the time we have finished this series, we’ll all have a firmer grasp on what grace is and how it works in our lives. The more we understand grace, the more we recognize how amaz

Say Goodbye To Guilt
Say Goodbye To Guilt

Today we are going to begin a new series called “Discover a Brand New You.” In this series we will learn or relearn the keys to “The Miracle Makeover” that God wants to perform in each of our lives. He does this through his grace. Today’s mes

Just One Word
Just One Word

Free Methodist Church in Canada National New Years Day Service Communion is part of this service.





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