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Close The door 2 of 6
We're in week two of our new series called Start Here. This week we'll talk about the second essential principle of starting over: You have to close the door on the past.
Sit Still 3 of 6
This is week three of the series Start Here. Today we'll talk about getting first things first, so we’ll spend a few minutes talking about nailing down your priorities, or three tests we can give ourselves to help us keep the top priorities at the top.
Speak Up 4 of 6
Anytime you try to give yourself a new beginning… trying to do things right, you soon find out that there is a force at work against you.Today we’ll learn from Jesus’ responses to temptation to help us win the battle.
Get Buried 5 of 6
Today we will look at another principle essential to building a new life for yourself. The principle is called dying to Self.