More in this series
Cast Your Net 1 of 6
Today we'll look at a story that highlights one of the most powerful spiritual principles that you'll ever learn. This lesson teaches, the failures of yesterday will lose their grip on your life and will give way to the promise of tomorrow.
Close The door 2 of 6
We're in week two of our new series called Start Here. This week we'll talk about the second essential principle of starting over: You have to close the door on the past.
Sit Still 3 of 6
This is week three of the series Start Here. Today we'll talk about getting first things first, so we’ll spend a few minutes talking about nailing down your priorities, or three tests we can give ourselves to help us keep the top priorities at the top.
Speak Up 4 of 6
Anytime you try to give yourself a new beginning… trying to do things right, you soon find out that there is a force at work against you.Today we’ll learn from Jesus’ responses to temptation to help us win the battle.
Get Buried 5 of 6
Today we will look at another principle essential to building a new life for yourself. The principle is called dying to Self.